In first Olympics, in 400metre final race, American player reached the final line first. The French audience 报以潮水般的掌声。Why? 原来,American player was wearing the same sport shirt with blue-white trips as 巴黎马赛Club的标志。Because French team never got champion. Worrying French audience took the American player as French player by mistaken.
After then, in order to distinguish 各国的运动员,from the fourth Olympic Games, the athletes 开始穿统一的本国运动员的服装。
Strange 100-final metre
由于没有统一的规定,in the first Olympics, there are a lot of interesting things. In 100-metre final race, the athletes start of a race with all kinds of postures. 有的直挺挺的站着,有的把腰弯。Only American athlete 托.扑克采取了近似“跪蹲式”,但他的跑姿却引来了观众的好奇和哄笑。
另外运动服也不统一除了托.扑克身穿被性和短裤外,其他运动员都穿长裤。But it was the American athlete who won the champion.
活动 (四) 你猜我是谁
任 务:你能猜到我是谁吗?
目 标:通过这个任务,激发学生主动参与学习的热情,提高学生的听力口语表达能力,并让学生熟悉英语中不同人称代词的转换以及谓语动词的相应变化,促进学生之间的交流,培养他们的分析判断能力、语言表达能力和自信心。
语言技能: listening, speaking, reading and writing,
材 料: 白纸、字典
活动形式:1)一班分四组2)一班分两组 3)六人小组
1. 老师布置任务,要求每位同学以第一人称的形式介绍自己。内容要求:国籍,年龄,性别,喜欢穿什么衣服,最擅长那一项体育运动,得过什么奖项,座位、学号等。
2. 老师把同学们写的短文收上来。
3. 老师从四个组中个抽取一份自我介绍,再从四个组各找一位同学,将这四分自我介绍随意发给他们每人一份,请他们每位同学在本组用第三人称转述用第一人称写的自我介绍,然后请组里同学猜:Who is she / he? 可做3—4人次。
活动 (五)奥运球星