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5B Unit9 教案设计之二

08-13 15:22:18浏览次数:930栏目:小学五年级英语教案
标签:人教版五年级英语教案范文,pep五年级英语教案,暂无联系方式 5B Unit9 教案设计之二,

1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:china, chinese,
2.  能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:uk, british,usa,america,australia, australian, japan, japanese,  france,  french
3.  能听懂、会说、会读、会写where are you from? i’m from … i’m …
句型:where are you from? i’m from … i’m …
step 1:
1,t:do you like watch tv?do you like watch this program?today we’ll imitate this program.
first we’ll invite four friends to take part in our game.ok?let’s welcome xxx.
s1:(手拿国旗出场,带头饰)good morning everyone.my name’s xxx.i’m from china.i’m chinese.i speak chinese.
t:good,xxx.welcome.you’re from china.i’m from china,too.so we’re from china.hi,boys and girls.where are you from?
ss:i’m from china./we’re from china.
t:good.we’re from china,we’re chinese.we speak chinese.
t:let’s see.where is china?(大屏幕展示单词和地图) oh,here it is.
t:now,can you introduce yourselves to xxx.
group 1….(四组同学看屏幕依次说)
have a seat ,please.
2,let’s welcome xxx.
s2:how do you do,boys and girls. i’m xx.i’m from uk .i’m british.i speak english.
t:welcome,xxx.i can speak english.can you speak english?(问下面的同学)
t:yes,only a little.
have a seat ,please.xx
t:let’s see,where is england?(看地图)
3. let’s welcome xxx
s4:hi,i’m xx.i’m from america,i’m american. i speak english.
s:i’m from america.i’m american. i speak english.
t:oh.she’s from… she’s ….she speaks…( 省略号让学生补充完整)
have a seat ,please.xxx.
t:let’s see.where is america?(看地图,学单词)
读 america
4. t:let’s welcome …
s: 用英语自我介绍。hi , boys and girls. i’m .. i’m from australia. i’m australian. i speak english,too. nice to meet you!
ss: nice to meet you.
t: nice to meet you .   t: oh, she’s from australia. she’s an australian. she speaks …have a seat ,please.xxx.
t:let’s see.where is australia?(看地图,学单词)
5.t:let’s welcome xxx.
t:can you understand?s:no.
t:let me tell you. she’s from japan.she is japanese. she speaks japanese.i can speak a little japanese:(老师用日文说你好)
have a seat ,please. xxx
t:can you speak japanese?    s:yes.
t:let’s see.where is japan?(大屏幕展示)
6. .t:let’s welcome xxx.
t:can you understand?
t:let me tell you. she’s from france.she is a french. she speaks french.
i can speak a little french:(老师用法语说你好)
t: bonjour!
have a seat ,please. xxx
t:can you speak french?
t:let’s see.where is france?(大屏幕展示)
7,t:come here,boys and girls. see, which group you’ll take? just look at the flowers:
t:who will come here?
t:i’ll call this group china.this group japan….
t:where are you from?we’re from … we are ….we speak….
( 六组依次说)
step 2:games:
1,看图猜国家:let’s begin our game.first we’ll look at some beautiful pictures and then answer my questions:(欣赏四国美景配乐)
t:where is it?(长城) s:it’s in china.
t:where is it?(富士山) s:it’s in japan.
t:where is it?(自由女神) s:it’s in america.
t:where is it?(白金汉宫) s:it’s in england.(回答正确的奖励花)
t:what’s it? it’s the natinal anthem of….
s:china.s2:japan.s3:america.s4:england.s5:france.s6: australia (回答正确的奖励花)
3.看国徽猜国家。4. 看各国的科学家猜是哪国人。5.看各国政界要人猜是哪国人。
7,t:where are they from?s: they are from china.
t:yes,they are from china,they are chinese,they speak chinese.
can you say it?s1:  s2:  s3:  s4:  …
出示图片,让学生说. (回答正确的奖励花)
t:how many flowers do you have? let’s see.which group is best?
step 3:a rhyme
friends friends in china,meet together,pat pat pat again.吃饭了吗.吃饭了吗,吃饭了吗?

>>《5B Unit9 教案设计之二》这篇教育教学文章来自[www.qidian55.com网]www.qidian55.com 收集与整理,感谢原作者。 friends friends in england,meet together,shake shake shake again,how do you do.how do you do.how do you do?
friends friends in america,meet together,hold hold hold again.hi hi hi
friends friends in japan,meet together,bow bow bow again………
step 4:activity
now,it seems group x is best.but the match hasn’t finished.
you are from different counties and we don’t know about your country,please say sth about your country in englis,then i’llyou can use these sentences:
we are from…   we are ….   we speak…    welcome to..
china.i don’t know.please talk about your country and then i’ll ask the teachers to decide which group is best.(表格如下)
老师收起纸条,宣布:t:we should remember we are from china.we are chinese.we speak chinese.class is over.
教后感:这课我设计了几个任务让学生充分地投入到英语的学习情境中来,较好地体现了新教材和新课改的理念,同时体现了信息技术与学科的整合, 并灵活组合本课的重难点,力争在课堂上让学生练透,并能熟练地运用英语。
教学目标:1,能听的懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:a visitor,a country,visit,the great wall.          2,能听的懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型阿are you from different countries?i’d like to go around china. 3,能理解课文意思,熟读课文。
1,free talk: what day is it today?what lessons do you have in the morning? where are you from? do you speak…?2,看课件,猜国家和语言。3,practise in pairs:where are you from? do you speak…?
1,t:are you from different countries? s:no.we aren’t. we  are  from  the  same  country.
2,,t:who’s mr white?    s:he’s a visitor.

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,5B Unit9 教案设计之二
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