The Wind and the Moon [Friendship] Once upon a time, there were two very good friendswho lived together in the shade of a rock. Strange as itma....少儿英语故事
The Fawn Who Played Dead [Attendance] Once upon a time, there was a herd of forest deer.In this herd was a wise and respected teacher, cunning....少儿英语故事
The Fawn Who Played Hooky [Truancy] Once upon a time, there was a herd of forest deer.In this herd was a wise and respected teacher, cunning i....少儿英语故事
The Wind-deer and the Honey-grass [The Craving for Taste] Once upon a time, the King of Benarcs had agardener who looked after his pleasure gar....少儿英语故事
Mountain Buck and Village Doe [Infatuation] Once upon a time, in northern India, there was aherd of village deer. They were used to being near....少儿英语故事
King Banyan Deer [Chapter 1. Compassion] Once upon a time, an unusual and beautiful deer wasborn in the forests near Benares, in northern Indi....少儿英语故事
Beauty and Gray [A Wise Leader] Once upon a time, there was a deer who was the leader of a herd of a thousand. He had two sons. One was very sl....少儿英语故事
The Happy Monk [Joys of the Spiritual Life] Once upon a time, there was a high class rich man.As he became older, he realized that the sufferi....少儿英语故事
The King With One Gray Hair [Ordination] A very very long time ago, there were people wholived much longer than they do today. They lived manyt....少儿英语故事
The One-hundredth Prince [Obedience to a Wise Teacher] Once upon a time, there was a king who had one-hundred sons. The youngest, the one-hund....少儿英语故事
Prince Goodspeaker and the Water Demon [Chapter 1. Rebirth of the Bodhisatta] Once upon a time, there was a very righteous king. He had a lovel....少儿英语故事
The Price Maker [Foolishness] Long ago and far away, their was a king who ruled in Benares, in northern India. One of his ministers was called....少儿英语故事
The Mouse Merchant [Diligence and Gratitude] Once upon a time, an important adviser to a certain king was on his way to a meeting with the king....少儿英语故事
The Golden Plate [Greed and Honesty] Once upon a time in a place called Seri, there were two salesmen of pots and pans and hand-made trinkets. ....少儿英语故事
Finding a New Spring [Perseverance] Once upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan to another country to sell his goods. Along the w....少儿英语故事
Demons in the Desert [the Correct Way of Thinking] Once upon a time there were two merchants, who were friends. Both of them were getting ready....少儿英语故事
THE FREE LIFE POND 放生池 The peaks of Tiantai Mountain in Zhejiang are green and black. They stand like an ornamental screen. People come from ....少儿英语故事