A prevalent attitude amongst many nurses was that there was no reward or recognition for not utilising the paid sick leave entitlement allowed them in their employment conditions.
在写作课上,我曾经把这个句子中文翻译给学生,然后让他们译成英文,结果,“prevalent”在中国学生的笔下90%都会变成popular,; reward or recognition 也十有八九变成了benefits:“a prevalent attitude amongst…was that”,在中国学生笔下几乎全部变成了老掉牙的“many nurses think that…”。在我们痛恨老外给的写作分越来越低的时候,是否也该反思一下我们的用词太过千篇一律了呢?比如,我们特别喜欢用动词来引出观点。可是不知道大家是否关注过雅思阅读文章中think的使用频率,在英文文章里,think一词即便是用,也是被细化成了agree,recommend,claim,要么人家就直接让它绝迹了,用名词或短语取而代之。
Similar attitudes have been noted by James, who noted that sick leave is seen by many workers as a right, like annual holiday leave.
James also found that many workers thought that sick leave was their rights, like annual holiday leave.
1)以词根为基础变换词性,如变benefit 为beneficial, beneficially
2)以词性为基础变词形,如变benefit 为recognition , reward
3)以词意为基础变词性、词形,如变think为 attitude,view,belief, note, claim, thought等
4)以常用表达为基础追求个性化表达,如从阅读中学习“including”, “from… to…', 以及各种表示解释说明关系的标点如:括号、冒号、破折号等等。(关于”大作文中如何举例子“中曾经有过关于举例子的不同表达方式的讲解,这里不再赘述)
Toughened glass is found everywhere, from cars and bus shelters to the windows, walls and roofs of thousands of buildings around the world.
1、Most people think of the cultures represented in the collection in terms of the absence of advance d technology. In fact, traditional practices draw on a continuing wealth of technological constraints are often overcome by personal skills that would be regarded as exceptional in the west.
2、Although there has been some decrease in absence rates, no single strategy or combination of strategies has had a significant impact on absenteeism per se.
3、Clearly the world cannot revert to the horse-drawn wagon.
由以上几个例子我们可以看出,老外写文章是不会赤裸裸的直接用“I”来表达观点的,也不一定非要借助 in one's opinion, from my point of view等被大家用滥的词汇,如果你想在写作考试成绩低迷的今天异军突起,就要仔细琢磨一下老外的表达习惯喽!
1)背景句/段+in fact +自己的观点
可以用非常平易近人的in effect, actually代替in fact
2)although +背景句+自己的观点
可以用despite, in spite of, notwithstanding 等常用词汇代替although
3) 背景句(段)+ clearly+自己的观点
可以用obviously, apparently等再简单不过的词代替clearly
看惯了in conclusion,all in all的考官需要我们做一下改变了。其实只要你仔细从阅读中找规律,不难发现,最常用的表达总结陈述的词竟然是thus,therefore这样的单词而非短语!要么就是简单的 “it is our belief that…”