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08-08 14:30:16浏览次数:484栏目:六级综合
标签:六级完形填空真题答案,六级翻译真题练习评分, 英语六级综合之瑰花香味能提高记忆力,

  New York, March 10. (PTI): Rose odour is beneficial(有益的,有帮助的) for the memory of a person when taken at the appropriate time, a study said.

  Taking a whiff(一阵香气) of rose scent while learning a task and then being exposed to the same smell during sleep helps memories to set, as per the finding of the study published in the latest Nature magazine.

  Jan Born of the University of Lnbeck along with his colleagues has conducted the study on people, learning the locations of various picture cards laid in a square.

  They found that those exposed to odour remembered 97 per cent of the locations while others retain only 87 per cent figures.

  The team's findings support theories about how memories are solidified(固化的,固体化的) in the brain during sleep, the Nature magazine said.

  Researchers think a part of the brain, hippocampus(海马状突起) is like the scratch-pad of memory where we put new things that have been experienced or learned until they can be filed for long-term storage.

  During sleep, these memories are "reactivated" and transferred to the cortex.

  Born and his team speculated that an odour could thus help trigger the "reactivation" process during sleep, making permanent memory storage more efficient.

  "By experimentally inducing it, we can show that reactivation enhances(提高,加强) memory," Born said.

  However, on being tested the second consecutive day, odour had no effect on memories of the respective persons though Born did not rule out the possibility of memory enhancement.

  But simply sleeping in a rose-scented room won't necessarily do the trick, because the timing of odour exposure(暴露,揭发) is crucial, the study said.

  The same mechanisms(机械,机构) are involved in securing memory during sleep and awakeniong hours, Born said adding the difference is that the hippocampus is more sensitive when its owner is sleeping.

  The researchers said smelling odour is not a panacea for developing skills needed to play the piano or to ride a bike as these activity-related memories don't rely on the hippocampus.

  Born's group published a study in Nature magazine last year that showed an increase in retaining power when people's brains were stimulated with a mild electric current.

  "Odour presentation is a much 'softer' method," he said.








  在神经学上,人的睡眠分为几个阶段,包括深度睡眠和浅度睡眠。 人通常在入睡20分钟后进入深度睡眠,这一阶段一般可以持续超过一小时,并可能重复出现。在深度睡眠阶段,人处理信息的效率最高。

  本次研究结果显示,只有在深度睡眠阶段闻到玫瑰香气,志愿者的记忆力才能得到显著提高。这是因为,在这一阶段,大脑皮层负责思考和计划的部分向大脑深处主管记忆的海马状突起传递信息。据吕贝克大学神经学家博恩表示: “通过对志愿者大脑活动的观察,我们可以推测,玫瑰香气刺激了他们在深度睡眠时的大脑皮层活动,增强它(向海马状突起)发出信号的能力,从而强化人的记忆力”。

