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习的策略。 一、要求不能太高 我们在考研复习初定目标的时候,不宜太高,目标太高,复习中遇到困难时自己的失望也就越大。同时目标一高,自己的压力也越大,也不利于自己的复习。但是基础差的考生并不是完全没有优....考研英语
是统考公共课 首先要给这位学生指出的是,考研英语是统考公共课,也就是说,不管哪门考研专业的考试科目,都不可避免的要考英语或者其他外语语种,当然,英语专业的将英语放在专业课中进行考试,这是后话。要是不考....考研英语
,而把易错但比较容易的题弄明白、弄准确则完全可以办得到。一句话:只要保证了基础题不丢分,就保证了考试不会失败。 抓好听、读、写的训练 考试对英语听、说、读、写诸项能力的测试并非均衡对待,而是按照教学大....考研英语
羞愧 surprise 惊奇 astonishment 惊奇 179.delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.) 喜欢,取乐 180.take (a) delight in 喜欢干…,以…为乐 181.demand sth.of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西 demand ....考研英语
ose, tone, attitude等标志词。 解题要点:利用四步法中第一步所确定的段落主题句及方向主题句,便可以准确进行判断并确定文章的主旨或作者的态度和语调;利用每个段落主题句的共性准确确定文章主题词,进而确定文....考研英语
here are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. mark your answers on answer sheet 1. (10 points) the time for sharpening pencils, arranging your desk, and doing almost anything e....考研英语
o extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. seventy-five years ago all british women were finally given what all british men had been granted 10 years earlier — the right to vote. first of....考研英语
owing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction. now something similar could be happening in the oceans that the seas are being over-fished has been known for years what research....考研英语
经常在一些杂志上看到这些词汇,我也可以理解。但是我觉得有很多词意思相近,每次在考试中都需要品味很久,我觉得这些词的差距实在很小,我怎么判断? 李传伟:我觉得这正好说出了有些同学词汇方面的弱点:对于词的....考研英语
这里表示第一句中提到的问题已经让地方政府无法应付了,因此选择cope(应付,应对)。a选项stand表示“容忍”,c选项approve表示“同意”,d选项retain表示“保留”,均不合题意。难度:☆☆ 3. d本句表示“帮助无家....考研英语
从寒假开始复习的,不论这个时间早晚,在最后这40天当中,你还是要把这个真题踏踏实实地拿出来,把自己以前会的题再拿出来。千万不要有这种误区,就是多做模拟题会有一个提高,不是这样的。 2.最后四十天英语还可能....考研英语
his autobiography, darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. he points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, bu....考研英语
者结合最新一年的阅读第一篇文章介绍阅读原文的一种有效方法——考研阅读原文“三读法”:详读重点,略读细节,跳读修饰。 一、详读重点 所谓重点,就原文而言,就是文章的基本结构、内容和态度;就答题而言,就是....考研英语
answers on answer sheet 1. (40 points) text 1 while still catching-up to men in some spheres of modern life, women appear to be way ahead in at least one undesirable category. women are particular....考研英语
he authors names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review. depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it. copyright r....考研英语
e idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. but gregory cochran is 1 to say it anyway. he is that 2 bird, a scientist....考研英语
考试从这3种备选题型中选择一种进行考查。考生在答题卡1上作答,满分10分。 备选题型有: 1)本部分的内容是一篇总长度为500~600词的文章,其中有5段空白,文章后有6~7段文字。要求考生根据文章内容从这6~7段文字中....考研英语
际备考情况,建议大家应在冲刺阶段做好如下的几项工作: 一、紧抓词汇复习 新大纲的调整取消了听力部分,将英语学习的听说考察完全交给了各个高校的复试环节,从而使全国统考英语完全考察考生对书面语的理解和创作....考研英语
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