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01-01 20:00:14浏览次数:716栏目:商务英语词汇
标签:国际商务英语词汇表与商务英语词汇大全,暂无联系方式 外贸函电常用缩略语(6),
  CAND        =Canadian dollar

  CAPT        =captain

  CAT         =catalogue

  CBL         =cable

  CCIB        =China CoMModity Inspection Bureau

  CERT        =certificate

  CFM         =confirm

  CFMD        =confirmed

  CFMG        =confirming

  CFMN,CFMTN  =confirmation

  CFS         =container feight station

  CFT(CBFT)   =cubic feet

  CHNG        =change

  CHNGD       =changed

  CHQ         =cheque

  CHRGS       =charges

  C.I.C.,CIC  =China Insurance Clause

  CK          =check

  CLR         =color

  CLRWY       =colourway(for textiles BIZ)

  CLSD        =closed

  CMOS        =complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

  C/N         =credit note

  CNCL        =cancel

  CMT         =cutting,making(manufacturing) and trimming

  CNCLN       =cancellation

  CNT,CANT    =can't,cannot

  CNTR        =counter

  C/O         =in care of

  =certificate of origin

  C/OFR       =counter offer

  COL         =collation

  COL-CARD    =colour card(for textiles BIZ)

  CLOWAY      =colorway

  COMM        =commission

  COMP        =complete

  CONC        =concerning

  COND,CONDI  =condition


  CONSR       =consumer

  CONT        =continue

  CONT,CONTR  =contract

  CONTD       =continued


  COOP        =co-operation

  CORP        =cooperation

  CORR,CRT    =correct

  COSCO       =China Ocean Shipping Co.

  C/P         =Charter party

  CR,CRED     =credit

  CRT(S)      =crate,crates

  C/S         =case,cases

  C/SMPL      =counter sample

  CST(S)      =chest(s)

  CSTMR       =customer

  CTF         =correction to follow

  CTLG        =catalogue

  CTN(S)      =carton(s)

  CU,CUB      =cubic

  CUTG        =cutting

  CVC         =cheif value cotton(for garments BIZ)

  CWT         =hundred weight

  CY          =container yard

  CY/CY       =container yard to container yard


  DALPO      =do all possible

  DBL          =double

  DBLB        =double(room)with bath

  DBT          =debit

  D/C           =documentary credit(for banking BIZ)

  DCRE        =decrease

  DD,DTD   =dated

  D/D          =demand draft

  DEC         =December

  DELY       =delivery

  DEPT       =department

  DESTN     =destination

  DFRN       =different,difference

  DIFF        =difference

  DIR          =director

  DIRTLY    =directly

  DIS,DISC =discount

  DISAPV    =disapprove(al)

  DISHD      =dishonored

  DISRGD    =disregard

  DIV           =dividend

  DLRS,DLS =dollars

  DLVR        =deliver

  DLVD        =delivered

  DLVRY      =delivery

  DLY          =dely

  D/N           =debit note

  DO            =ditto

  DOC         =documents

  DOZ         =dozen

  DPT         =departure

  DR           =debit,debitor


  DS           =days

  D/S          =days sight=days after sight

  DSGN      =design

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